Participatory Workshops
I often facilitate participatory projects collaborating on large scale mosaics, sometime purely aesthetic but often inspired by social issues.
In 2020, I worked with years 5 and 6 to produce 2 mosaic plaques (100cmx100cm) for the school, which combined the school logo and the Manchester Bee. The children also had the opportunity to make an individual piece of work They loved learning new skills, having the opportunity to use real tools and being able to use the skills they’d learned on the group project to unleash their creativity.
Most recently I ran a series of transition workshops in a high school which received high acclaim from participants and teachers/ support workers as an agent to building confidence, positive relationships and an understanding of their value and importance in a social group. Students worked together to produce a series of 7 mosaics illustrating the transition of a caterpillar to a butterfly, a metaphor for the formative process of learning and change in high school. The school plan on displaying the mosaics (all sized 60cmx90cm) in the school for the duration of this cohort’s education.